1. Fundamental principles
The Ibaraki Global Business Promotion Council (hereinafter referred to as “Council”) collects your data when you use its website, https://exports.pref.ibaraki.jp/ (hereinafter referred to as “Website”) to the extent necessary to efficiently provide services on the Website (e.g. providing information on the Website, receiving inquiries, etc.). The Council processes your data appropriately to the extent of its specified use.
2. Extent of data that Council collects
  • (1) This Website automatically collects domain names, IP addresses, the Website's browsing history, and other data.
  • (2) Your inquiry via the inquiry form will be forwarded to a relevant manufacturer and the Council's office. If you make an inquiry in any other way, your email address will be notified to the recipient of your email.
  • (3) This website utilizes Google Analytics to have an understanding of viewers’ usage of the homepage website. Though we use cookies provided by Google Analytics, we do not obtain any personal information through Google Analytics.
    Information collected from utilizing Google Analytics will be managed based on Google’s (LLC) privacy policies. For more information on Google Analytics’ terms of service and privacy policies, please check the Google Analytics homepage.
    Google Analytics Terms of Service
    Google Privacy and Terms
    Lastly, the Association will not hold responsibility for any damages or losses incurred by the use of Google Analytics
3. Purpose of use
  • (1) Council uses the data that Council collects in accordance with item (1) of article 2 above, to efficiently provide the services on the Website.
  • (2) Council uses your data regarding your inquiry that Council collects in accordance with item (2) of article 2, above to provide business opportunities that match manufacturers to potential buyers and to run the Website. Council uses your email address to contact you. Council may share your data with relevant organizations depending on the nature of your inquiry.
4. Limitations on use and provision
The Council will not use your data or provide your data to any third party for any purpose other than those specified in article 3 above, unless Council is required to disclose your data by law, or if Council notice unauthorized accesses, threats, other illegal activities, or if there are exceptional circumstances. However, the Council may publicize data processed for statistical purposes including information relating to access to the Website, suggestions or feedback to the Council, and personal details of relevant individuals.
5. Measures to protect your data
The Council takes necessary measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss of, or damage to your data and to ensure the proper protection of your data. Council may outsource the management of the Website, in which case the outsourced service provider will similarly take necessary measures to ensure the proper protection of your data.
6. Applicable scope
This Privacy Policy is applicable only to the Website, https://exports.pref.ibaraki.jp /directories. Relevant organizations are responsible for processing your data accordingly.
The Council does not accept any responsibility or liability for information or services provided on third party websites that you may access through links or banners on the Website.
Although Council strives to keep the content and information provided on the Website as accurate as possible, some information may not be kept up to date.
Please note that Council does not accept any responsibility or liability for any loss or damage caused as a result of the content of the Website.
<Contact Information>
Ibaraki Global Business Promotion Council Secretariat
(Global Strategy Team, Business Strategy Division, Ibaraki Prefecture)
978-6 Kasahara-cho, Mito-shi, Ibaraki Prefecture, 310-8555
Telephone: 029-301-3529 Fax: 029-301-3909
Email: global_1@pref.ibaraki.lg.jp